Leading Sacco in Kenya
Join Nacico Sacco and start saving for your future
Explore Nacico Sacco wide range of products and services designed to help you save and borrow more money to develop yourself and your business.
Nacico Mobile App
Check out some of the things you can do with our mobile banking app.
We offer the best Sacco experience
Nacico Sacco is empowering individuals & business owners everywhere
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Mobile App
Download our mobile app from the playstore and easily bank directly from your phone. Access your statements, apply for loans and so much more
These services are open to all our members
Nacico Sacco Services to serve you better
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Have Any Questions?
Top Questions People Ask Us
What do I need when applying for a Loan?
- A fully completed loan application form.
- Guarantors should be active members and have contributed for at least three months.
- The guarantor’s and applicant’s shares MUST be equal to or more than the loan applied for.
- The member has to attach an original most recent (if possible certified) pay slip which is not more than two months old.
- Outstanding loan by the applicant MUST be cleared before a loan of the same kind is approved unless one is refinancing (bridging).
- A copy of an acceptable form of identification (National ID/Valid Passport) MUST be attached to the application.
- One must have been an active member for at least three consecutive months.
Must I have guarantors when applying for a Loan?
- Guarantors who should be members of the Sacco.
- Another form of security includes regular remittance such as the monthly savings.
If I clear the loan before its completion date will I be required to pay interest for future periods?
No interest or penalty is charged for clearing a loan earlier than the contracted period if clearance is done through.
If I clear the loan before its completion date will I be required to pay interest for future periods?
No interest or penalty is charged for clearing a loan earlier than the contracted period if clearance is done through.
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