College Fees Loan

The cost of acquiring an education should not prevent you or your family from bettering your future. Access up to Kshs. 40,000 at an interest rate of 1.7% per month and with a maximum repayment period of 12 months.

For one to apply for any loan product, the following shall be mandatory requirements:-

  • Two latest original payslips
  • A copy of your national Identity Card or passport
  • A copy of your KRA Personal Identification Number
  • Appropriate supporting documents
  • Bank statements where applicable

About this product

Loan tailored to cater for payment of college and university fees

  • Loan Amount: maximum of 3 times the withdrawable deposits
  • Granted to back office account holders who has operated the account satisfactory for at least 6months
  • Security: back office deposits and be fully guaranteed
  • Duration: a maximum of 30 months.
  • Interest rate: 17.4% per month.